Aries, also known as social magnets, have a childlike innocence that others can't resist. Trust is a major issue for you, so when it is broken, the damage is almost always irreversible in Aries relationships. When someone is onto something new, he will always have your support. There are never dull moments with you. You will always bring positive vibes and variety into the lives of your loved ones because you are outgoing and adventurous.
You may develop jealousy and possessiveness toward your loved ones. In contrast to others, you typically confront their feelings directly. You are open and honest about your expectations and feelings.
Aries As A Lover
The Rams are known for being flirtatious when it comes to romance, and they will actively pursue their loved ones. When you are attracted to someone, you are very passionate about them. Instead of avoiding the subject, they would express their feelings directly to their loved ones. You're a determined, emotional, and passionate lover. You have a tendency to throw tantrums and lose your cool with your romantic partner on occasion. However, when you realize it, you will confess your undying feelings to your partner.
If you want to impress Aries, you can't afford to be monotonous. You will need to keep engaging them in new activities. The Rams enjoy adventure and want to rule the relationship. It is difficult to establish a relationship with them, but once they do, they are usually honest and loyal for life. You must express your love and care to them. They expect you to be as sincere, honest, and loyal as they are. If you cheat or lie to them, they will feel detached and leave the relationship forever.