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Aries Weekly Forecast

Weekly Forecast August

Planetary Position: At the beginning of the month Venus+Mercury+Rahu is seen to be moving into the third house off Gemini, Sun into the fourth house of Cancer, Ketu+ Moont Jupiter into the ninth house of Sagittariu1s, Saturn into the tenth house of Capricorn and Mars is moving into the twelfth house of Pisces zodiac.

1st to 7th August: 1st & 2nd are government victory indicator days. You will tend to rest. Time will pass in fun-frolic and entertainment activities. You will have low inclination towards work but still you will finish all your important work within the time frame. 2nd, 3rd & 4th is the time for increase in name and fame. This is the time for dialogue and mutual discussion. You may remain busy in some festival celebration. Your image before others will be good. You will work keeping your interests in mind. Expenditure and journeys are on the card. Your mind will be full of creative thoughts. You will be able to meditate. You will earn profits on 5th & 6th. You will get full benefit of your hard work. Your wishes will be fulfilled. 7th is an unfavourable day. You may have to visit hospital quite frequently due to someone's illness. You may have to cut down on the budget due to increase in expenses.

8th to 15th August: Time is very bad on 8th & 9th. Some problems may crop up before you. You cannot save yourself from it. There might be major changes in your work which may make you apprehensive. You may do some secret tasks. Also you will make secret enemies who will attack on you. Things will change completely on 10th &. 11th. You will be filled with self-confidence throughout this period. You will be restless to show your talent at the workplace, in order to prove your superiority. You will be bent on putting new projects into practice. You will touch new heights in your career. Acquisition of something new in the house is possible. You will feel inner satisfaction on 12th, 13th & 14th You will use your intelligence. On 15th time will be in your favor.

16th to 23rd August: Time will pass splendidly on 16th. Business will give good profits. Time is bad on 17th & 18th, There will be atmosphere of tiff in your home. You will make a wrong choice in career. You will do some misdeeds that will bring you ill fame. Someone close will only present opposition for you. You will use foul means to fulfil your desires which can land you into trouble. Time will turn in your favor on 19th, 20th. Talks related with children's education, marriage will reach to some conclusion. Financially this will be a normal period. You will be engrossed in worship, religion, meditation etc. on 21st, 22nd, 23rd you will get desired and expected gains. You will win people due to your good nature and politeness..

24th to 31st August: 24th will be a peaceful day. You will give lot of importance to relationships and understand their due worth and value. Bad luck will dominate on 25th, 26th and 27th, You may fall prey to some foul play, secret plot or conspiracy. You will get caught in a web and will not be able to come out of it despite serious efforts. Time will turn in your favor on 28th, 29th Misunderstandings with boyfriend, girlfriend will be resolved. Both will regard one another with love and respect. Time will be well spent on 30th & 31st. The youth will touch new heights in their work. Held up money will be received. A journey will prove profitable.

Weekly Forecast September

Planetary position: In At the beginning of the month Mars is seen moving into the ascendant of Aries zodiac, Rahu in the third house of Gemini, Venus in the fourth houses of Cancer, Sun+Mercury in the fifth house of Leo zodiaC, Jupiter+Ketu in the ninth house of Sagittarius ZodiaC, Saturn in the tenth house of Capricorn zodiac, and Moon is seen moving into eleventh house of Aquarius.

1st to 7th September:-The first two days at the start of the month will be spent well. A situation of benefits will be created on 1st 2nd. You will help your family members. Contacts with new people will be formed which will prove to be beneficial later on. For the betterment of your career and work field, you will put in efforts whose rewards will be given to you. The time from the evening of 3rd till 5th will be stressful. This is not a good time for your physical health. You will have to face some stressful tasks and overcome them. Stress related to shifting house, lifestyle, and travel may also exist. On 6th and 7th, due to Moon, your life will flourish again. You will feel rejuvenated. You will take some steps for your work, lifestyle or career field which will prove to be correct. People will become your fan.

8th to 15th September:- 8th, 9th and 10th will be normal days. You will have the trait to lead. You will spend quality time with loved ones. You will gain more authority than before. You will try to make your ideas a reality. Don't share your planning with anyone on 11th, 12th and 13th, It will be a period of good time. Your financial position will be strengthen. You will reach heights of success. Your pending works will be completed. During this time, charity work will attract you. On 14th, 15th your work speed will be low. Don't bet others' lives or careers for your own selfishness. Take some time out for your family members otherwise they can become mad at you. You may have to face arguments, discussions during this time.

16th to 23rd September16th, 17th will be a time for knowledge acquisition. You will get complete benefits for your work and efforts. You will be having full time for good food, energy etc. Luck will support you. You will be strong on the financial level. On 18th, 19th time will be on your favourable side. You will try different measures to take time out for your work and thus your all works will be completed. You will receive multiple chances to prove your capabilities. You may be busy in shopping on 20th and 21st You will visit a temple or some other place in search for some mental calmness or peace. During this time, you will think about your familys behaviour. You will face obstacles on 22nd, 23rd. Be alert while talking to others. You will be annoyed during this period.

24th to 30th September:- On dates 24th and 25th, time will favor you. You will make a balanced budget for your household expenses and your societal area will increase. You will be successful in overcoming every problem. On 26th, 27th and 28th, friends and family will give you happiness. You will develop your bonds with everyone. You may invest something big. You will give and receive gifts from your loved ones. Your personality will be more empathetic than before. You will receive money on 29th and 30th evening. Your long term plans will finally be fruitful. You may suffer from some discomfort on 30th evening. Be safe from extravagance. You will face legal problems.

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